Security certification - ENISA ED Udo Helmbrecht at SOGIS-MRA Management Committee Meeting

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Today (6th February), ENISA's Executive Director, Professor Udo Helmbrecht, took part in the SOGIS-MRA (Senior Officers Group for Information Systems, Mutual Recognition Agreement) Management Committee meeting that takes place in Berlin (6th-7th February).

Professor Helmbrecht presented ENISA's activities in the field of IT security standardisation (ETSI, CEN/CENELEC/ISO).

Among the key points of his presentation were:

  • ENISA’s approach to standards
  • Challenges in standardisation from EU perspective
  • Joint ENISA – EC Smart Grid Security certification workshop
  • ICS/SCADA certification 2013
  • ENISA work programme 2014



The SOG-IS agreement was produced in response to the EU Council Decision of March 31st 1992 (92/242/EEC) in the field of security of information systems, and the subsequent Council recommendation of April 7th (1995/144/EC) on common information technology security evaluation criteria.

The agreement was updated in January 2010. Participants in this Agreement are government organisations or government agencies from countries of the European Union or EFTA (European Free Trade Association), representing their country or countries.

The Management Commitee is the supreme body of the Agreement. All the signatory countries (Germany, Finland, France, Great Britain, Netherlands, Norway, Spain and Sweden) are represented.